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The Positioning Principle of GPS Navigation And How The GPS Positioning System Locates

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The Global Positioning System has the characteristics of good performance, high accuracy and wide application. It is the best navigation and positioning system so far. With the continuous improvement of the global positioning system and the continuous improvement of hardware and software, the application fields are constantly expanding. It has now spread across various sectors of the national economy and has begun to gradually penetrate into people's daily lives.

How does the GPS positioning system locate?

24 GPS satellites orbit the earth in a 12-hour cycle at an altitude of 12,000 kilometers above the ground, so that more than 4 satellites can be observed simultaneously at any point on the ground at any time.

The vehicle navigation system mainly consists of two parts: the navigation host and the navigation display terminal. The built-in GPS antenna receives data from at least 3 of the 24 GPS satellites orbiting the earth to determine the car's current location. The navigation host can determine the exact position of the car on the electronic map by matching the position coordinates determined by the GPS satellite signal with the electronic map data.

On this basis, various functions such as driving navigation, route recommendation, information query, and AV/TV playback will be realized. The driver only needs to watch the picture on the display, listen to the voi

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